Monday, June 26, 2006

Prince and the Coach.

After watching the Portugal Vs Holland 'Boxing' match (Sorry football) I can understand how difficult is to manage a Pro.

In the carribeans, India was winding up a tour frought with lot of missed opportunities and lots of lessons learnt. Could things be different had the "Prince" were part of the India team and had he Captained it. Was there any opportunity costs of Losing the 'Most Successful' captain of India.

There is no definite answer to such a question. But could something had been done different to Manage and vex out any issues between the Coach and the Prince.

The whole episode forgotten and laid to rest is springing back again. Not only this but also Rise of Sania a.k.a a New product launch and trickle of wisdom from football, hockey etc.

Where else. If all goes as planned (Which Indians are very poor at. Chinese are much more action oriented and follow a plan with a result oriented action. e.g. Golden Quad, privitization of PSUs, Upgradation of Airport, Bangalore International Airport, the list goes on)

the first batch of Pgpx will Have the honour to listen to Mr & Mrs Harsha Bhogle in person as a part of the 'Leadership Module'.

Ahoy Mr Ganguly Ahoy Mr Chappel.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Sixer from Saudalpur

After 5 months of pursuing, the man from Saudalpur has hit a big sixer.

The ball has been discovered in the boardroom at Arcelor HQ.

Bloomberg reports that Arcelor has agreed for the takeover (for 40.37 EPS)of the company by Mittal Steel and the combined entity will be called 'Arcelor Mittal'

I saw a direct advt in HBR from Mittal Steel directed towards Arcelor's share holder. Talk of effective communication. Nothing better than this. Reactions from the big shareholders and late realization from Lux govt about the issues wrt to severstal have contributed to this turnaround.

Its heartening to see the victory of 'Business Sense' over the parochialistic economic regionalism.

Monkey Money is not Monkey Money at all.