Friday, January 13, 2006

Pink Cow is a disruptive innovation is a Blue Ocean

A Pink Cow is a Disruptive Innovation. Its also a Blue Ocean. Its interesting to see how a hazy known idea crystallizes to a thought, widely represented in different flavors until finally taking a concrete form as an unique strategic insight.

Any product/concept that is unique in its attribute, can add value to customers with its function, price and usability will create a market space of its own. This is more or less common sense. But the idea had to mature and refine to become a strategic weapon. Now creative minds and well known academics are unbreaking this idea and are creating trailblazing strategies for the 21st century.

After reading insights from the following people, I interpreted that all three of them are pointing at the same thing in different flavors.

Pink Cow - Seth Godin
Disruptive Innovation - Clayton Christensen
Blue Ocean - Kim & Mauborgne.

I wish to write more about this with my own perspectives once I finish reading this masterpiece.

NewPGP'E'X flavor from IIMC. 8 Lacs. Course starts Dec 06.

Nature Interpreter.