Case Interviews and approach Strategy
Case interviews are increasingly used not only by top MC and IB companies but also by many top business schools to filter applicants.
Generally any case interview falls in one of the following types - Project, Market Sizing, Analytical, Puzzle type or one which tests one's leadership skills.
I am familiar with the Project, Market Sizing and Puzzle type cases. In my preparation run up to IIM A interview (What a high confidence you may mention, I need this one badly and I am not going to leave any stone unturned) I have divided the preparation into 5 parts.
1. Know thyself completely
2. Know everything you can about this institute.
2. IIM A questionnaire - From Why MBA to Whats buoyancy
3. Leaderhip/Case interview preparation
4. Awareness of current business happenings in India and abroad.
5. Other Misc things.
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